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Insignificant yet Overvalued....

[4 min read]

Well, it’s Ava and Ella’s birthday today…. Pause...Pause….

Oh wait! Before we talk further about their day, let’s explore a little bit about their parent’s profession. It’s basically an ancestral occupation, oh yeah this sounds surprising in this era, but yes they own a store named DIA, and they are the art dealers, so cool, isn’t it? Out of many sub-jobs that DIA is involved in, a part of the business is dedicated to painting, I’m a passionate artist, I wonder that’s the reason why I’m more focused on the painting side of DIA! well, wonders apart, the most interesting part about DIA is that they use 23 specially designed brushes for any orders they get. The number 23 instantly grabbed my attention, lol, it’s because I was born on 23rd ;) anyone else? Oops, back to DIA!

To appreciate the uniqueness of this place, I surely want to dive a little deep into its making. So, the brushes have an unusual threadlike three-dimensional arrangement of stones in the form of a chain, people at DIA named these stones, gones. The engaging part is, each individual set of brushes is designed for individual reasons, essentially based on the unique gones attached, so that means no two sets are used for the same kind of paintings, isn’t that interesting? I know, it is! So, a few brushes are utilized to paint only nature, while a few for face/bodily features, and likewise. Such a well-classified implementation right? Um... Fascinating!

Finally, back to Ava and Ella, well on their special day, their parents chose to gift them the portrait of themselves painted by DIA. Everyone is super excited about the paintings, the moment has come and the two highly-skilled painters from DIA are assigned to make two paintings, one portraying Ava, while the other Ella. The painters are using the kit of brushes specifically designed to paint the face/bodily features while being extremely careful to make the best use of the gones because they are the deciding factors. After a few minutes, the curious gaze is over while the painting is completed and given to the kids. 

Ava is extremely contented and proud to see herself portrayed so beautiful, while Ella’s eyes stuffed with tears and misery crept in upon staring at her not so good looking painting. Agghhhh! Looks like the other painter hasn’t made the best use of the gones. Well, the not so bewitching part is when everyone including Ava being distinctly proud of the painting done for her, while Ella predestining herself and her capabilities based on her appearance in the painting.

So now the question to the readers! Should Ava and Ella actually involve their emotions in this situation? where their involvement during the course of painting is utterly zero!

Unquestionably No, right?


I just walked you through some biology :)


DIA with DNA

23 Brushes with 23 pairs of chromosomes

gones with genes

features with traits

and re-read if you are curious to understand what’s going on inside ;)

Well, this is for those who are extremely happy or extremely unhappy about their facial/bodily traits. It’s ridiculous to let your sentiments into a situation where your involvement is absolutely ZERO. It’s the tiny characters, the genes, are the ones who played the game, not us! So chill :)

Wait wait wait, don’t mistake features with fitness, features might not be the conscious decision, but fitness is, stay healthy 😊


  1. very well done! to be frank this is your first piece of writing I truly loved. And, only very few understand the depth of this article. You are beyond awesome, am proud of you :)

    1. Thank you, glad I am nearing your expectations :)

  2. Your posts are so intense and interesting... its grabs the attention..The way your imagination is truly commendable...

  3. Am totally in love with this:) I feel this is the most needed thing to be said and u crafted it very well:D

    1. I totally agree that it's the most needed thing to be said, at least to the after 90's folks, who are being persuaded by beauty/social media apps. Thank you for reading :)

  4. The story has been built to generate interest in the reader. I wanted to keep reading due to the build up in the story. The twist at the end of the story was also fascinating.

    Also the message is very clear and relevant. It is something we all can relate to. Well done with the story.

    1. Thank you very much, Anuj. This feedback from a professional author like you means a lot to me. And thanks a ton for taking the time to read this story :)


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